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NEW: CircuWell Circulation Booster

Circuwell may improve the circulation of freshly oxygenated blood to the extremities of the body. It can also aid in the elasticity of veins, arteries and capillaries associated with Varicose and Spider Veins. CircuWell may assist in blood flow restrictions to hands and feet


Healthy circulation allows you to not only survive but thrive. The primary function of the circulatory system is to allow oxygen and nutrients to reach each of your body’s 50 trillion cells while also removing toxins. A healthy circulatory system needs healthy blood vessels.

Arteries need to be flexible to allow a natural peristaltic (constriction and dilation) movement of the walls of the blood vessels to assist the flow of blood around the body. Without this natural elasticity of the blood vessels the heart has to work extra hard to pump the blood around the body.

Circuwell improves the circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to the extremities of the body and restores elasticity to the walls of the veins, arteries and capillaries. Circuwell stabilises blood pressure while reducing the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Hardening of the arteries can occur due to cholesterol deposits along the walls of the blood vessels as well as damage to the cells of the blood vessels. Over time Circuwell can help repair damage to the cusps found along the walls of the veins that help prevent the back flow of blood. When these cusps become flaccid the blood can begin to pool and stretch the vein causing varicose veins.


Poor circulation, pins and needles, neuropathy, sore feet, varicose veins, swollen ankles, slow healing wounds and leg ulcers. Poor circulation is often to blame for having cold hands and feet (unless there is an underlying health condition)

Active Ingredients:


A warming herb used to improve the circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to the extremities of the body as well as strengthen the heart and lower bad cholesterol levels.

Horse Chestnut:

This herb restores elasticity to the walls of the blood vessels easing pain and discomfort caused by varicose veins. It has been extensively studied for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a circulatory problem in which the veins do not efficiently return blood from the legs to the heart.

Horse Chestnuts



Restores elasticity to the walls of the blood vessels and protects them from further damage. Rutin increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) in blood vessel cells, which relaxes them and reduces blood pressure.


Helps to move the blood through the body, in so doing one may sometimes feel a tingling, warming sensation in different parts of the body which normally lasts for about 15 minutes. Niacin also helps to lower bad cholesterol levels and reduces atherosclerosis.

Contents Per Capsule:

Capsicum 200mg, Rutin 100mg, Horse Chestnut 50mg, Niacin (Flush) 20mg.

Directions for Use:

Take 1 capsule morning and evening after or with meals.

For maximum results, take Circuwell in conjunction with DiaBoost

Circuwell Circulation Booster before and After
These images were taken of a DVT patient only days after taking Circuwell

This Post Has 51 Comments

        1. Hi Sarie
          CircuWell is available from Alpha Pharm pharmacies. Most pharmacies have an account with them.
          Please call ahead and order as, being a new product, a lot of the pharmacies do not have them on their shelves. Use this locator to find your closest one. https://www.alphasvr.co.za/location-finder/

          We do not have control over what retailers sell our products for, but according to some local Alpha Pharm pharmacies, the approximate price for CircuWell 60 caps is R177.00

    1. Hi Dawn
      CircuWell is available from Alpha Pharm pharmacies. Most pharmacies have an account with them.
      Please call ahead and order as, being a new product, a lot of the pharmacies do not have them on their shelves. Use this locator to find your closest one. https://www.alphasvr.co.za/location-finder/

      We do not have control over what retailers sell our products for, but according to some local Alpha Pharm pharmacies, the approximate price for CircuWell 60 caps is R177.00.

      All the best.

      The NatureLife Team

  1. Hi, im from the Milnerton area. I have been to Durbel, DisKem, Wellness warehouse and the health shop in Willowbridge to find your circuwell…..to no avail. Please tell me where else i can try.
    Thank you.

  2. Good morning, I have come across Nature Life Circuwell capsules via the Real Health program on the Home Channel. I have ordered from Takealot, but haven’t taken it yet. I also have varicose veins and struggle with cold hands and feet, even in summer. As a result I suffer from chilblains in winter. Apart from the swelling and redness, they are very, very itchy. I want to know, before I take these capsules, will the capsicum and niacin affect the chilblains in a negative way? I’m scared of the tingling, warming sensation. Will it make the chilblains worse? I’m scared it would make it more itchy. Could I get more information please. Thank you in advance!

    1. Start on a low dose of CircuWell so that the blood flow is restored slowly to the area. Whenever fresh oxygenated blood reaches an area that has been starved of good circulation for a long time, it can feel itchy because the nerves “come alive again”. But it is a sign that the blood flow is being restored.

  3. I am on Atenalol tablets for heart beat regulation and have haemacromatosis- will any of the ingredients in Circuwell be negative with your product?
    Thank you.

    1. None of the ingredients are contraindicated for those conditions but it’s advisable to start on 1 capsule daily for about a week and then increase to 2 daily.

  4. Is your product available at Dischem? My mom had foot operation 2 years back and is suffering from chronic inflammation in her legs. Both are effected now and she struggles to walk. She also has restless legs.

    1. Circuwell is not available at Dis-chem yet but can be purchased from select Clicks stores and from Alpha Pharm pharmacies and Wellness Warehouse. We suggest that she also takes Lifetones for the inflammation.

  5. Good evening
    I have started using your products
    Circuwell and Diaboost but I can taste the capsicum in my through my troat and my eyes have the burning sensation
    Should I reduce the recommended dose?

  6. I’ve had artery transplants in both legs to improve circulation due to hardening of arteries. I’ve had an abdominal aneurysm repaired, a splenectomy and a triple bypass. I take blood pressure tabs, blood thinners (2) and cholesterol tabs. (Yes, I’m still alive!)
    I still have problems with my legs and feet and cannot walk great distances. Will circuwell be safe?

    1. Hi Ross. Circuwell is a natural blood thinner so you will need to either start on just one a day or monitor your blood with your Doctor regularly. The catch is that you need to get the blood moving around the body and simply thinning the blood won’t do it. Please make sure you are drinking enough water to keep your blood thin and your body alkaline. Acidic blood becomes sticky and thick so Lifetones Acid Clear would also assist you, although it too has natural blood thinning properties. Take care and we commend you for maintaining a sense of humour 🙂

    1. Hi Janet. We would prefer if it wasn’t taken during breastfeeding because of the B3 Niacin, which moves the blood around the body, and can be too stimulating for a baby. What are your symptoms? We suggest that you contact Cheryl Tones, an experienced Phytotherapist, on 082 440 9374 during working hours to discuss.

    1. Hi Cynthia. Circuwell Circulation Booster is available at select Clicks stores and online at Takealot and Wellness Warehouse. Lifetones Acid Clear is available at most pharmacies, Clicks and Dischem as well as Takealot and Wellness Warehouse. The combination of these 2 will assist with your ailments.

  7. Hi there. I’m a diabetic (type 2) and I’ve tried almost everything to bring my blood sugar levels down. I would like to try your two products (Cicuwell & Dai boost) but before I do, I would like to know if there’s someone that used this already with some positive results pls.

  8. Hi. I have developed restless leg syndrome. I am diabetic and suffering with neuropathy. I haven’t been able to sleep in weeks as a result of the RLS.

    Please advise me which products to use to allow me to sleep and control my BGMs.

    Thank you in advance 🙏

    1. Greetings Tjaart. No. But if they are on a lot of meds, start on one capsule daily for one month. Then increase to 2 if you are feeling good.

  9. Hi my Mom is 88yrs old, have a problem with cold hands n feet, also swollen hands. Theres no movements, constant bedrest, Will Circuwell be good for Her.

  10. Hi. I don’t always have a morning meal and find it difficult to take medication / supplements during the day. Can I take 2 capsules after dinner?

  11. Hi its merriam im diabetic. Im using circuwell, diaboost and lifetones but I still have aching body .
    ometimes I have cold feet or feel like a stabbing pain on my feet.

    1. Hi Merriam.
      What other meds are you taking?
      What are you blood sugar levels?
      Are you insulin dependant
      How many Circuwell are you taking – you can increase to 2 capsules 2 x daily
      Make sure you are not dehydrated – dehydration causes thick blood and makes it difficult to move the blood around the body – this can be aggravated if you take a diuretic.
      Make sure your diet is free of sugar and synthetic sugar. Include lots of greens and protein, keep bread and pasta out of the diet.

    1. Hi Grace. Yes it is absolutely fine to take. Obviously always monitor your Blood Pressure. You can start with 1 capsule daily for a week and then go to 2 a day but Circuwell has the ability to equalize circulation and stabilize Blood Pressure.

  12. I’m on AMLODIPINE 10mg daily
    ARTOVASTATIN 10mg and
    GLUCOPHAGE 500mg
    My legs and feet are swelling and sometimes have pain from on hands and from waist down to the feet. Can CIRCUWELL help me?

    1. Circuwell is excellent for Diabetics. We recommend Circuwell together with Diaboost for Diabetics. It depends on the reason for the erectile dysfunction if Circuwell will assist. If due to lack of circulation then yes. If due to low testosterone or stress then no. Both products are safe to take with both conditions though.

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