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Diabetes in South Africa

Diabetes in South Africa – a silent killer

The number of people suffering from diabetes in South Africa is alarming.

According to 2016 Statistics South Africa “Mortality and Causes of Death” report, diabetes is the second most common cause of “natural” death in the country after Tuberculosis.

About 6% of the South African population (about 3.5 million people) suffer from diabetes and 5 million more are estimated to have pre-diabetes.

Types of Diabetes

Pre-diabetes is when blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered as diabetes. The scary fact is that most cases of pre-diabetes in South Africa are undiagnosed.

Most people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes – where the body becomes resistant to insulin, resulting in dangerously high blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is often caused by lifestyle or genetic factors.

In Type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. This usually happens in younger people, but it can happen at any age. When this happens, the pancreas no longer produces insulin. Insulin is vital because it enables the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.


As symptoms can be mild and may develop gradually, it takes on average seven years for a person to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. As a result, about 30% of people with Type 2 diabetes will already have developed complications by the time they are diagnosed.

Diabetes complications are serious and include heart disease, stroke, blindness, amputations and kidney failure. These complications can largely be avoided by early diagnosis and proper treatment.

Around 76% of diabetes-related deaths in South Africa occur in people younger than 60 years – the most economically active age group of the population.

General symptoms of high blood sugar levels:

  • Unquenchable thirst.
  • Frequent urination
  • Hunger, despite regular eating.
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling tired and listless
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A short attention span and poor memory
  • Recurrent skin infections

NatureLife SA have products to assist diabetics….naturally

As mentioned in a previous blog – people with type 2 diabetes are more likely to have hyperuricemia, and people with gout and high uric acid may be more likely to get diabetes. Lifetones Acid Clear is an all-natural product to help break down uric acid crystals and eliminate them from your body. It is sugar-free so safe for diabetics to use.

DiaBoost can be used in conjunction with other diabetic medication to help stabilise blood sugar levels naturally. DiaBoost helps to ensure that the pancreas is producing the correct amount of insulin when needed and offers anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive health benefits for diabetics. Best results are obtained when used in conjunction with NatureLife CircuWell.

With powerful natural ingredients, CircuWell improves the circulation of freshly oxygenated blood to the extremities of the body and aids in the elasticity of veins, arteries and capillaries associated with varicose and spider veins. Poor circulation is a common problem with diabetes.

NatureLife products for diabetics


This Post Has 36 Comments

    1. We recommend that you use Lifetones Acid Clear as you probably have uric acid crystals stored there causing the inflammation. Also Circuwell will assist in getting your blood flowing better.


        1. Yes. Circuwell and Diaboost will assist by getting the blood flowing to your feet. If you have high uric acid – we also recommend Lifetones Acid Clear.

  1. Hi, im a 66yr old male, diabetes and had a tripple by pass already. Im on medication but lately my mouth is dry and have a constant thirst also my left side of my body feels numb especially my left leg. I can walk , i dont know if the skin is numb or the leg and very cold yet i get a very very warm sensation inside my leg. Ive been to hospital and still doing test. Do you have any advise for me please….Advise on what to use and if possible let me know what im dealling with and how serious it is….I will appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to read my coment. Thanks in advance

    1. We are not able to diagnose your condition. High blood sugar levels can cause many of the symptoms. Circuwell promotes better circulation and this can help ease numbness. Diaboost can be used in conjunction with your current meds to help stabilise blood sugar levels. Please ensure that you are not dehydrated as dehydration causes thick blood and this makes it more difficult for the blood to flow easily. Avoid all sugar and synthetic sugar. Lots of greens and protein. You are welcome to contact Cheryl Tones, an experienced Phytotherapist, on 082 440 9374 during working hours.

  2. Hi I’m Roland I’m diabetes and I suffered from leg pain.l see you recommend diaboost & circuwell at what pharmacy is this available or how can I get hold of it.
    Thank you

  3. Hie its been 6 months having pain on my left leg and l feel tingling and they is a pain close to my ankle &this pain goes under my foot and toes, sometimes l feel like my right leg is heavy and tired and the doctor says is sciatica he says l must take vinavine
    but nothing changed even if l take any pain killer ,the pain doesn’t go away sometimes feeling like cold or hot on my feet, l don’t how do l explain this because l am in pain, you know how you feel when you feel too much coldness on your hands then you put your hands inside hot water you know that pain thus how l feel, sometimes comes on my fingers like shooting needles

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